
Welcome to my Western Pennsylvania garden. Join me on a "Walk Down the Garden Path".

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Twelve Days of Gardening Gifts: Day Four, Bonsai

Continuing on with the tree theme in our line of gifts, today I offer you a Bonsai. Bonsai literally translated from the Japanese means tray planting. Bonsai can be either indoor or outdoor trees and refers specifically to the training and artistic vision applied to the tree. Bonsai is an art which requires practice, a good aesthetic eye, and patience. Many different species are used for Bonsai, including junipers, pines, maples, and flowering and fruiting trees.

To embark on this new hobby or to set someone up for this pastime requires a little planning and knowledge. I found several websites offering trees of various prices and ages, equipment, how-to books, and info right on their site.

Bonsai Boy of New York has a wide selection of trees, even artificial and preserved ones. Now even the non-gardener can enjoy the beauty of a Bonsai. Here is just a sampling of what they have available.

Medium Juniper Procumbens "nana" Bonsai Tree - $29.95 on sale

According to the site "This dwarf Juniper from Japan is the most popular evergreen in the U.S. When we think of a traditional bonsai and what it should look like, we think of a "Juniper Procumbens Nana." It is very hardy, long-lived, and tolerates many adverse conditions. This is an excellent tree for the beginner."

Artificial Flowering Golden Shower Bonsai Tree - $59.95

According to the site "The flowers and branches of this artificial Golden Shower tree are created from luna clay, making them very flexible and, therefore, can be adjusted to your personal preferences or left as shown in the image. The hand-painted flowers are so life-like that people will want to touch them to see if they are real. This tree will retain its beauty for many, many years to come and can be cleaned with a dampened cloth."

Monteray - Double Trunk Preserved Bonsai Tree - $89.95

According to the site "Neither plastic nor silk, this real live bonsai tree that was carefully crafted and preserved to protect its natural fragrance, color and texture indefinitely. No watering, trimming or maintenance is required."

I wonder how they do that.

Indoor Bonsai Trees also has a wide selection of trees and offer a do it yourself Bonsai starter kit.

American Bonsai Society is a site full of good resources.

Bonsai Gardener is a site with a collection of articles pertaining to everything Bonsai.

Other posts in the series
Day One, Amaryllis
Day Two, Jasmine
Day Three, Give-A-Tree Cards


Anonymous said...
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tina said...

This angel spammer is a real pain. She has spammed dozens of blogs with the same comment. Urgh!

I have really wanted to get into bonsai. Our local botanical garden offers classes (thru the bonsai society) about once a year. It is hard and takes so much time but oh my, are they ever so wonderful. A great gift for anyone.

Gail said...

Cindy, I might be able to have a bonsai tree with this preserved tree! I actually love bonsai. There is something attractive about the simple form...It takes a dedicated to detail person to maintain and that is not me! Gail btw...I have seen the spamer's link on several other posts

Cindy said...

Tina - I hope you take the class sometime. I would love to hear your experiences with it.

Gail - Isn't that amazing. I never heard of a preserved tree before. I agree, the simplicity of the form is the beauty of the Bonsai!

By the way, thanks to both of you for the info on the spammer. I've been getting a lot more of it lately.

Amy said...

My husband and I have both wanted a bonsai, but the price is a little scary. What if we wreak it? Maybe an artificial or preserved one would be good, but then we miss out on the fun of actually growing something...


Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy, I got behind and have to catch up. I really like that jasmine, I am much more attracted to it than the amaryllis, the fragrance and so many light as air flowers and twining, delightful. I have joined the arbor day a few times and still have trees and shrubs growing in the garden from their free giveaways and a couple of purchases that we laughed at because they were so small, azaleas, that are now huge! Ferngully's replacement was a free red maple and has grown very tall. Highly recommended. The bonsai has been tried a couple of times with eventual failures both. I still might try again some day, for they are fascinating and beautiful. All your choices are such good ones. Can't wait to see the next.

joey said...

Through the years, I have attended many bonsai lectures, tucking this wonderful info in my head, hoping ... hoping ... to find the time. Thanks for re-inspiring me, Cindy. Perhaps ... just perhaps ... this might be the year! Happy Holidays!