
Welcome to my Western Pennsylvania garden. Join me on a "Walk Down the Garden Path".

Monday, December 15, 2008

Twelve Days of Gardening Gifts: Day Six, Tabletop Live Christmas Tree

Today we reach the halfway point in this gift giving series. Let's head back to one of those catalogs which are endlessly filling my mailbox. The catalog du jour is Jackson & Perkins but it's not roses that we will be selecting today. No, it's the Decorated Tabletop Live Spruce Tree.

Now, I realize this tree is not for everyone. But it is the perfect size for many households who have downsized or travel away from home at Christmas or shortly thereafter and don't want to deal with a big tree and all the decorations. Or what about the shut in or nursing home resident or the youngster starting out who might not put up a tree in an apartment? These trees come fully decorated with lights! Of course, I don't know what you do with the tree once Christmas is over. Over at Poor Richard's Almanac, they wrote about the debate between cut, live, and artificial trees where they did touch on the subject. You can read about it here.

But back to Jackson and Perkin's and their live decorated trees. They currently list three on their website, ranging in price from $69.95 - $89.95. Here are pictures of two of them, as you can see, very prettily decorated.

They also sell Rosemary Trees in different presentation pots ranging in price from $29.95 - $39.95. These are undecorated.

Or you could be like Cameron at Defining Your Home Garden and buy one at the local market for at least half that. All you have to do then is add the decorations. Check out Cameron's post here on her Rosemary Tree. When Christmas is over you'll be able to cook with this tree.

No matter what size tree you have or whether it is cut, live, or artificial, that is not where the Spirit of Christmas lies. The Spirit of Christmas is in each of us, just waiting to be shared with the world.


tina said...

Another great idea Cindy. This series of posts is very helpful for gardeners everywhere. When I saw live Christmas tree I thought Cameron too.

F Cameron said...


Those are really pretty trees.

Thanks for the link love on the rosemary Christmas tree. It looks and smells so good and requires very little watering. My husband pointed out that since it's in the tall, compote bowl, we can place packages around the base right on the table.


Anonymous said...

I love love love that fist tree! This is such an awesome series of post and today's was my favorite. It is a great gift for someone I know. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy, these trees would be perfect for us, I would like a small tree since no one comes here for Christmas. It's thanksgiving I decorate for, that's when all the family comes. I need to transition into having a tree with decorations for that also. Hmmmm. And yes yes yes to the hand cream. Oh, my poor hands, they look like a crone's!


Roses and Lilacs said...

I like this idea. Perfect for an office tree if space is at a premium.

joey said...

Hi Cindy ~ Great ideas! I happen to love Rosemary Trees and often give them as gifts since they can be used all winter then planted in the garden ... a gift that keeps on giving!

Cindy said...

Tina - yes I think these are good ideas for the gardener and non-gardener alike! I love Cameron's little rosemary tree!

Cameron - Oh, I hope there are many, many presents under your tree!!!

Anna - Even though I never decorate my trees with a theme, I do find these themed trees very attractive. One anyone would love to receive!

Frances - hmmm, A Thanksgiving Tree has possibilities. And I swear I can feel my hands cracking as I type.

Marnie - A great idea for an office tree. And it's already decorated too!

Joey - I just cut my rosemary in the garden back. I hope my sprigs last a while in the fridge. Fresh rosemary is so good.